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Marketing & Support Services

Brand Management & Content Generation

its a continual conversation...

A brand doesn't operate or exist in a vacuum. Every element of both internal management and external projection needs to be directed and considered as a single entity. Ultimately every effort must be directed at the end-user or consumer. Kerning has the marketing, creative and managerial expertise to develop your brand from concept to consumer and beyond.



We have been fortunate to work with some of the world's most iconic brands, from beauty to beer and beyond. Successful campaigns stem from an informed understanding of both the brand and consumer needs. From that understanding we plan, develop, and execute campaigns as a direct response to clearly articulated and achievable business plans.

Media Generation


To keep a brand fresh and relevant, it is necessary to frequently provide the content and information your consumers require. Across a multitude of categories, Kerning has the exercise to develop and deliver these assets. We have extensive experience art directing photo and video shoots, developing CGI and Digital assets as well as crafting the language, tone of voice and copy you are looking for.

Creative Services


Kerning has extensive experience in design delineation, production artwork, artwork approval and project management in all categories, across all materials, substrates and finishes.

Working across multiple categories from personal care, to home care to private label and beyond, we are highly skilled at transitioning from 2D creative to 3D reality. We have expertise in both design development and production artwork development.

As design and print experts we think and develop with the end goal in mind. Contact us to learn how we steward and maintain global and domestic brands efficiently and cost effectively.

In the end it all boils down to three essential components

Content, Creative and Components. The three building blocks to successful campaigns, great content and stunning packaging.

Creative: The creative communication designed in response to your brief, from social media, to promotional materials to packaging. This is the eye-candy that your consumers are looking for from 15 feet away.

Content: The message, often emotive by nature, intended to appeal to your audience. This is the truth and honesty your brand projects from 5 feet away.

Components: The legislative elements your consumers are looking for. these are the components your consumers use to trust your brand, from 1 foot away.